The Thinkers Report

    The Biden-Harris administration is the most successful in modern history. Our lifetime. This administration has done more for people than any previous administration with the exception of the Obama-Biden Whitehouse.
  • Lansing False Arrest, A Violation of Civil Rights
    Lansing Michigan Police falsely arrested a 12 year old child violating his civil rights and the rights of his family and additionally the privacy rights of their home and the other tenants.
  • Voting is our Civic Responsibility
    The city of Detroit is on a path for another very low voter turnout. City and state government is apparently unable to maintain the effort needed to ensure a voter turnout above 50% as was done in 2020.
  • Noted Individuals
    These persons have achieved noteworthy accomplishments. As Black Americans, our community needs to remember their achievements and celebrate their gains.
  • What Barack Obama Accomplished
    An Abbreviated List Most Diverse Cabinet to ever serve the US Government High School graduation rate hit 83%, the highest ever in the history of the US Reversed unemployment from 10% to 4.7% 82 straight months of private sector job growth; the longest streak in the history of this country in which there has been… Read more: What Barack Obama Accomplished

    Noted Individuals – List

    Hall of Justice